Thursday, March 25, 2010

Morgan Bayda

Morgan Bayda is a teacher from Canada that is disillusioned with traditional education. I also have a hard time in some classes. Especially the classes that are so large and mainly a lecture everyday. I don't get that one on one discussion with the teacher and other classmates like my other smaller classes. Also the lecture classes could be done online instead of student's having to sit in these classes twice a week and falling asleep.

Dan Brown's video was also eye opening. He knocks "Institutional Education" and says it refuses to adapt to the landscape of the information age. I think this is true in most universities. We have the traditional three tests and a final exam, which is mostly memorization anyway. I think using podcasts, Ipods, etc. would be beneficial and more productive in most classes. I hope I can incorporate some of this technology in my future classroom.


  1. I think online classes are a great idea. What do students learn if they are sleeping their way through college? I still enjoyed the personal interaction that I had with my ECE professors. My field classes only had 12 students. That ratio is probably unheard of these days in colleges. I like your description of Dan Brown's video as being "eye opening". I loved his enthusiasm in his video. Our students are so lucky to have technology available to them. Technology can be a very valuable learning tool.

  2. Great post! Personally, I enjoy lecture classes. I just seem to learn more from hearing the information, and then doing additional research to fill in the gaps, but everyone is different. Dan Brown's video was "eye-opening" to me also. I also hope to use technology to its fullest in my future classroom

  3. So go for it. Make your classroom the technological center of your school!
