Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 4 - Podcasts

This is how much I know about a podcast I kept thinking something was wrong because the video never popped up. Who know it was just audio? I'm too old for this. I found the Kidcast pretty informative since I know nothing about creating a podcast. I think it would be a great teaching tool in the classroom. Teaching With a Smartboard needs to be mandatory for all the teachers at South Alabama. None of my instructors are taking full advantage of thier boards because they don't know how to use them. They won't even touch thier boards because they are scared of them. This podcast was informative and I liked the animation they provided. But these guys banter back and forth too much. Get to the lesson.
I picked a podcast called How Stuff Works. Two guys named Josh and Chuck teach people about things you would never even think of knowing. I listened to How Organ Donation works. They provide a wealth of knowledge on the most mundane things like, Why Are Honeybees Dissapearing to some really interesting topics like, how witness protection works, do Zombies really exist or my favorite are stupid people happy? It's easy to listen to something I would like on a long roadtrip. This Week in Photography was pretty good if your into photography or just a novice like I am. They are a tad egotistical but I found it but I found I helpful even as a beginner photographer.
MacBreak Weekly was one I was looking forward to listening to since the episode was about the new Ipad. I probably will tell my son about this podcast because I just bought him a Macbook. These guys are really pro Mac I doub't you will hear anything that wasn't positive. The only concern they had was whether to buy the 3G or WiFi version. This girl Justine was really hyped about it and it made me want to find out more. EdTechTalk was pretty good even though the ladies talking were annoying.
I listened to the episode on the Iphone. It was okay I really would like these people to get on with the subject at hand instead of talking about what they all did for the week. I listened forever to one lady talk about climbing the bridge in Australia. Boring. Then I went to a show on gaming and it was a little easier to listen to.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

EDM310 Blogs Ending January 24

A Vision of Students Today

I Agree with all of the comments. Although students of today are technologically savvy, it seems to work for and against them. They have laptops that can help them with every aspect of their college studies, they can even register with their computers. I was telling my eleven year old the other day how I registered for classes back in 1981. We use to have to get up really early and stand in a line that was a mile long. Hoping to get our first choice of a schedule and usually it would never work out.
The cost of books are ridiculous. I now go to my class for the first week to see if I even need my book. I've noticed this generation of students take for granted if they have parents that can pay for they're education. Not showing up to class or constantly dropping classes. Being older and now having to pay for my own education has definitely made an impact on my attendance and grades.

It's Not About the Technology

Kelly is making a valid point about teachers must be learners. We as educators have to be up to date on our technological skills. Since technology is always evolving the students have to equally be learning since tech is constantly growing and advancing every year. I strongly agree "Learning and Teaching Are Not The Same Thing" My daughter's sixth grade teacher is always saying to her classes i don't understand why you don't get it. She tells the children that they must take ownership of their grades. Well when 15 out of 20 kids fail a test she needs to change the game plan. She shows a power point presentation on the subject. Well why not make the power point available online so the students can at least look at it or print the notes.
All my teachers are great this semester but someone in the computer department needs to show them how to use their smart boards. Like Kelly said they have all this technology available to them but they don't know how to use it. But again it's not always about the technology my teachers are very effective and interesting teachers.

Is It Okay to Be a Technologically Illiterate Teacher

Of course I agree withe Karl Fisch's post who wouldn't. As teacher's we want to at least be as good if not better at being capable on a computer. As Fisch says saying your illiterate on a computer nowadays is like saying you can't read or write. I think it's a great way to stay in touch with your students and teach your student's. Unlike my daughter's teachers in sixth grade why shouldn't the students be able to email the teacher during the week or weekend if they can't understand homework etc. Teachers , Principal's, all the administrator's of a school should be learning or taking classes to be on top of the newest technology. How can the leaders of a school not move thier student's forward in the computer age if they are illiterate themselves.
I find that for me I can say and be a lot more frank and honest on an email or text than I can be if I were talking to someone face to face. I think students who have a hard time reading a report in front of a class could flourish on a blog. Thanks to my kids I can use my word processor, download itunes, skype etc. But I have to admit I don't read as much and I don't even get a newspaper delivered anymore, I read all my news online. And again I reiterate that a computer can't provide a hug or motivation like a caring teacher but a combination of the two could be remarkable learning tools.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count

Gary Hayes is showing the incredible speed that the social media is growing. I wonder where all these people are doing this while they are working or when they are in class. I think it will impact our career as teachers in a good and bad way. Of course as educators we can stay in touch with our students whether giving assignments, timely grades and comments etc. But it can also impede our ability to teach. How many times have your seen students texting on their phones or looking at facebook instead of listening to a lecture.
Another aspect is kids today are, I believe addicted to thier social gadgets. It's kind of unnerving for people to know where your are every minute of the day. Especially with twitter who cares what your eating for lunch or where your shopping. I find even with my daughter who is eleven she never gets away from the social scene or her friends. In my day we saw our friends at school and once in a while we would spend the night on the weekends. But today kids are talking to each other 24/7 and scheming to socialize after school every day , weekends, any time they can.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ken Robinson Blog

I really was dreading to watch this video because It was long and I thought It was going to be boring, but It was completely the opposite. This video was really funny and enlightening. I agree how schools kill creativity we are always taught to color within the lines and not be different. My children are lucky to go to schools where drama and theater and the arts have not been cut from the curriculum, but like Ken said in public school these classes are being phased out because of budget cuts or they are put at the bottom of the curriculum. As Ken says "We have been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers."
I think I have been guilty of this especially with my son. I have always taught him no matter how good you are at athletics or playing your guitar your not going to be a rock star or a professional athlete. He has always wanted to be a doctor and I don't know how many times I have told him to stop playing your guitar and study. Like the story he told about the woman that directed Cat's, how many kids have been put on adderall because they can't sit still and this woman is a prime example of a creative genius. This video will make me look and react to the kids I teach in the future in a different light.

Vicki Davis Blog

I think this teacher and her class is incredible. My children go to private school with new Mac's in their computer labs and they don't do anything like this, It's a shame. I wasn't familiar with any of the terms she was using like wiki, avatar, etc. But I am eager to learn. It's amazing how she has connected student's in so many countries together to talk about everything from customs to how being a teenager differs from place to place.
My eleven year old knows more than I ever will about computers, but one thing I hope to gain
from this class is to teach her how to link with kids in other countries and maybe get her class at school to start doing this. I'm eager to start following her Cool Cat teacher blog, and read her book.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mr. Winkle Wakes

This video is a play on Rip Van Winkle except this character is Mr. Winkle who also wakes up after a 100 year nap to find miraculous changes in all aspects of society except when he visits a school and he finds it familiar and the same saying basically that schools haven't changed in 100 years. Media and computers in the classroom are vital in learning. My daughter's sixth grade class is making a model rain forest with each student picking an animal to draw and explain. Using their new apple computers the school has in their lab they are able to go to the rain forest on the web and the possibilities are endless. As technology advances our schools need to advance along with it.
But on the other hand I still believe students need to learn the basics, or how Mr. Winkle describes it as reading, writing, and arithmetic. How many kids know how to download a video from YouTube or Download songs from Itunes but they can't do a basic algebra problem or know the tools in writing a book report. Also can a computer like a teacher provide encouragement or even know when a student is struggling whether in school or at home. Mr. Winkle makes valid point we must advance our schools but it is comforting to also have the familiar.

Did You Know ? Blog

I really think that we are in information overload. This video is really crazy and depressing.
It makes me feel that eventually computer's will all crash and burn and that we will have no room on this earth from overpopulation. Technology is affecting everything from politics, Obama is the first president to have a Blackberry, to meeting your wife or husband. It has been the most valuable tool in education, and the most destructive tool if you choose to do something you will someday regret. One mistake can be on the world wide web forever.

I'm from an older generation so I'm still trying to play catch-up with the technology out there today. I never thought I would be text-messaging my daughter, or skypeing my son who is at the University of Alabama , and constantly makes fun of my technological skills. From a positive outlook maybe computers or someone from the billions of people that will be born around the world will one day can discover a cure for cancer, or figure out how we can all live free and peacefully on this earth together.