Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Did You Know ? Blog

I really think that we are in information overload. This video is really crazy and depressing.
It makes me feel that eventually computer's will all crash and burn and that we will have no room on this earth from overpopulation. Technology is affecting everything from politics, Obama is the first president to have a Blackberry, to meeting your wife or husband. It has been the most valuable tool in education, and the most destructive tool if you choose to do something you will someday regret. One mistake can be on the world wide web forever.

I'm from an older generation so I'm still trying to play catch-up with the technology out there today. I never thought I would be text-messaging my daughter, or skypeing my son who is at the University of Alabama , and constantly makes fun of my technological skills. From a positive outlook maybe computers or someone from the billions of people that will be born around the world will one day can discover a cure for cancer, or figure out how we can all live free and peacefully on this earth together.


  1. My contention is that you cannot be a successful teacher unless you use, and incorporate into your work, the technological tools that your students will ALREADY has mastered by the time you begin teaching. Whether you like it or not. Agree or disagree? And I think mastering the new technology tools will be much easier for todays students than mastering math. So there I am. Casting about for a life preserver.

  2. Next week and from then on please put all of your responses to the assignments in one post. Separate the with about header. That saves me at least 5 minutes per blog or about 1 1/2 hours.
